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  • Eileen Mendonsa
  • Contact Me
  • 559-920-6032
  • stampingcircle@gmail.com

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I've been crafting using Stampin' Up! products for over 25 years now, and am in my 7th year as a Demonstrator.  I love being a Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator, especially getting together with all my ladies to make cards & other projects. Attending OnStage! events with them and meeting other Demonstrators has also been amazing - one of the best perks for joining up!

I'm blessed with 2 children of my own, and 2 more aquired when I married my wonderful man ten years ago. He's a farmer, mostly growing feed for use on his brother's dairies. All of our children are grown and married now, and between them have given us 8 beautiful grandchildren. I am blessed to see 5 of them (our sons') frequently as they live nearby here in Central California. We try to get to Oregon as often as possible to see a granddaughter and 2 grandsons.

​Besides Stampin' Up! and my family, my heart-felt endeavor is to share information about Women & Heart Attacks, most especially a condition called SCAD - Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. I have experienced 2 of these events in the last 7 years. Women frequently do not realize they are having a heart attack as our symptoms can be so different than a man's! And we are often dismissed at the ER as having a panic attack or GERD just because we don't fit the "norm" - frequently, being "too" young or too fit, or our symptoms are different.  As women we need to be prepared to advocate for ourselves at the ER!

I hope you too enjoy not only the wonderful products that Stampin' Up! offers but the fellowship and fun that comes from crafting and sharing with others. If you live nearby, I invite you to contact me to attend a class or event.  If not, I can always provide you with a supply list and instructions for recent projects, and we can craft together from afar!  Joining in via Zoom is always available.